2020 Second Quarter Marketing Conference · Fast and Furious

At 8 am on July 5, 2020, Kaihua Mould’s 2020 second quarter marketing meeting was held on time in the conference hall of Tongji Huangyan Rural Revitalization College.
A total of 65 marketing personnel and senior leaders from Huangyan Headquarters and Sanmen Factory participated in this marketing conference. The conference was divided into two themes:
①The second quarter marketing meeting of 2020
②The 4th “Fast and Passion” Expansion Activity
Wonderful moments of marketing meetings
At the beginning of the meeting, Chairman Liang Zhenghua delivered a speech.

First of all, Chairman Liang Zhenghua shared a data “The completion rate of the order plan in the second quarter was 101%, and the performance increased by 35% year-on-year.” Chairman Liang Zhenghua fully affirmed the performance of the marketers present in the previous quarter and expressed his gratitude to everyone. Then he made a deep analysis of the current market environment, told everyone about the focus and work direction of the next quarter, and put forward four key words: “short cycle”, “customer experience”, “innovative products”, “customers” partner”.
Next, each marketing staff came to the stage to report the work summary of the previous quarter and the work plan for the next quarter.
Gina, Sales Director of the Foreign Marketing Department, shared with everyone: “Due to the impact of the overseas epidemic, some exhibitions have been postponed or even cancelled, and the itinerary of visiting customers may also be postponed to 2021. Everyone present must be flexible, adjust their own status, and accumulate, regardless of How to interact with customers in all directions!”

The company’s senior leaders took the stage one by one to share their feelings in the second quarter and the direction of improvement in the next quarter.
Liu Qingjun, Executive Vice President of Huangyan Headquarters
Liang Zhengwei, Executive Vice President of Sanmen Factory
Department managers
Fast & Furious
“Di——” With the coach’s whistle, this outreach activity officially began.
This outreach activity is mainly composed of 4 parts, “Icebreaker”, “Challenge Yourself: High-altitude Tightrope Walk”, “Team 150, Power Circle” and “Happy BBQ”.
Let us feel the warm atmosphere at the event together!

Expansion project
“Break the Ice”
Achievement comes from the team, and the team accomplishes itself.
The ice-breaking game effectively breaks the barriers between people, creates a good communication atmosphere, and stimulates the enthusiasm and fighting spirit of team members.
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“High-altitude tightrope walking”
From the beginning full of hope, the stride to the middle of the meteor, a little hesitating to move forward, under the shouting and encouragement of my companions, through the most difficult stage, discovering the scenery in the distance, taking a firm footstep, and approaching the end step by step. Achieve goals and challenge yourself.
“Team 150, Power Circle”
Division of labor, mutual encouragement, mutual trust, experience the boundary between possible and impossible.vcbvc
As night comes, the atmosphere is still warm
“Happy BBQ” announced the opening
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Kaihua Hummingbirds far away from the hustle and bustle of the city
Fully appreciate the wonderful atmosphere of group reunion in nature
Collaborate and challenge yourself
Enhance team spirit and mutual understanding and trust among team members
Together, the team is the team
Thanks for meeting

Post time: Mar-20-2021